Building Confidence in Nature Finance
Round Table, 6 & 7 November 2024, Stirling
The regeneration of nature across the UK is crucial and urgent
Nature finance markets are widely seen as the only realistic way of funding this essential work at the pace and scale required.
But that potential cannot be realised unless there is:
- Real confidence that nature finance will deliver for nature, for communities and for investors;
- Mutual understanding, respect and trust between the various stakeholders, including communities, landowners, investors, regulators and government.
Crucial questions include:
- Does nature finance have the integrity it needs?
- What would it take for stakeholders to have confidence in nature finance and each other?
- Who needs to take action, and how, to evolve nature finance so that stakeholders can be truly confident it will deliver for all?
Finding ways forward together
This round table will bring together representatives from a wide range of contexts and perspectives to explore these crucial questions and identify practical and effective ways to build confidence in nature finance.
This event creates the time and space for the kinds of conversations that are urgently needed:
- Conversations that get beneath the surface to find common ground while recognising we might not agree on everything.
- Conversations that acknowledge not only that we face an existential nature crisis, but also that we need to take practical, effective steps within existing constraints.
Outcomes will include:
- Greater mutual understanding, respect and trust between stakeholders.
- Shared understanding of what is needed to continue building confidence in nature finance.
- Willingness to work together on practical actions to build confidence in nature finance.
6 & 7 November 2024, Stirling
This round table will be held at the Stirling Court Hotel, on the University of Stirling Campus. All meals and single occupancy accommodation (on Wednesday night) included.
Starts 2:30pm Wednesday 6th and ends at 3:30pm Thursday 7th November 2024.
To maximise the value of the round table for everyone, it’s important that participants commit to being fully present throughout the event, including the evening meal and staying on campus.
What to expect
Expect a mix of facilitated plenary dialogues and focussed small group discussions, plus time for informal conversations. Subject to the weather we may take some of the conversations outside into the green campus and surrounding wooded hillside.
The participation fee is £295 per person and includes one night accommodation (single occupancy), meals and refreshments. Subject to sponsorship reduced cost places may be available.
Thanks to National Lottery Players